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Dear Neighbor and Fellow Clayton Voter,


On Tuesday, November 7th, we will be electing three new members to our Clayton Town Council.  


People have asked me why I am running for Clayton Town Council?

First, I am running because I love Clayton.  I am a native of Clayton. Clayton is where my home is, where I have lived my entire life and where I will live after I retire. I have a vested interest in our community to ensure the success of the Town of Clayton.

Secondly, I am running because I believe the residents of  Clayton deserve responsive, accessible leadership, a strong advocate for our families and local businesses, and a better future.

Finally, I am running because I want to keep Clayton the wonderful place that it is. I love Clayton because of its natural beauty, because of its open space, because of its quality of life and quality of education for children, and more importantly, because of its people, its residents, my neighbors.


I would be honored to represent you on the Town Council and would appreciate your vote in the upcoming election.

Thank you for your support. Thank you for your trust and confidence in me.

Sincerely yours,

Bobby Bunn

Bobby Bunn                                                               
Clayton Town Council Candidate

November 7


Clayton Town Council


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